Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014

Accredited Nursing Schools:Finding Accredited Nursing Schools To Study At

In the present day, people might need to be in an institution that is federally funded and which has state entitled programs. The process by which institutions get to prove their capability in this matter is through accreditation. Accreditation can be given to any institution that adheres to the rules and regulations that the government has put down for that particular type of institution.

People who love helping others often find themselves drawn to becoming a nurse. These careers require education, though, ranging from about a year for a LPN-Licensed-Vocational-Nurse-LVN/">LVN to four years for a BSN. More advanced degrees are possible, but most require a BSN first. LPN-Licensed-Vocational-Nurse-LVN/">LVNs typically complete a program of study, or a certificate, while many RNs have associate's degrees. BSN nurses are licensed RNs with bachelors degrees in nursing. Licensing is required to become a nurse in every state in the US. This licensing is usually done by exam, which is available to students who have completed an approved program of study. Different licensing requirements exist in each state, so it's important to know the situation for your state of residence.

There are two national organizations that can give you the answers. The first one is the National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission which is commonly known as NLNAC and the other is the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education CCNE. The NLNAC gives accreditation to nursing schools that offer all types of programs that will also include a master's baccalaureate, associate's and diploma. The CCNE on the other hand will give accreditation to schools that offer only the baccalaureate and master's nursing degrees. So when you are choosing the nursing school that you will want to join, it would be advisable to first check the programs you would want to do in that particular institution.

There is a wide variety of nursing degree programs available such as: RN-to-BSN, master's, baccalaureate & associate's degree programs. There are also accredited specialist programs such as nurse midwife degree or nurse anesthetist, which is arguably the highest paying nursing job available today. The Accredited Nursing Schools anesthesia programs available online and offline is run by The Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA). The midwifery education programs are accredited by the American College of Nurse-Midwives Division of Accreditation (ACNM).

Online nursing schools provide a convenient way for you to take accredited nursing degree programs that can be completed around your lifestyle and work commitments. There is currently a shortage of qualified nurses in the United States which is partly due to a demand from the aging baby boomer generation reaching retirement age. This means that job security in the medical sector is assured with an inevitable rise in nursing salaries for the next several years at least.

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